Thursday 17 October 2013

Give Me Back .... Boleh ?

Some bafoon credited $5 into my phone last night and called me 6 times to retrieve it. I'd left my phone in the car and when I finally got back in, he rang again. At first I couldn't make out if he was trying to scam me or made a genuine misake.

Bangla : Hello, can you give me back
Me : Give you back what ?
Bangla : The $5 I put in just now
Me :  What $ 5 ? Where got ?
Bangla : Give me back ...boleh ?
Me : Excuse me, I am not a shop, you have the wrong number
Bangla : Are you, Malay or Indian ?
Me : Chinese, why ?
Bangla : ( pauses ) Can you give me back ?
Me : Dei !!! I am not a shop. Wrong number, wrong number...goodbye !!!!

And only then I check my messages . Holy sheet, someone did top up $5 into my phone
Embarassed, I call him back ( read : again without checking some details )

Me : Eh, really got wor. 
Bangla : Give me back... Boleh ?
Me : ya, ya, wait let me try first
Bangla : Give me back
Me : can you wait, I need to figure this out first
Bangla : ok

And then only after putting down the phone do I discover his number is not the same telco company as mine. back time ( wai em ai soh setupeed ? )
Me : Eh, our telco providers are not the same. Do you have another friend next to you whose number you can use ?
Bangla : ah ?
Me :  ( have to speak in pidgin style now ) You have friend with 016 phone ? Your phone is 014 , I cannot transfer. any of your friend has 016 ?
Bangla : aaaaa....ya , ya

He proceeds to give me a number that sends me into deja vu. Holy crapadofalus the number is exactly like mine cept for the final digit

Bangla : 016 - 4444444 ( example )
Me :  Ok lemme repeat it 016- 4444444
Bangla : Yes,  give me back ...boleh ?
Me : Aiyo wait lar....
Bangla : Ok

After successfully transfering, I check with him

Me : Got ? ok ?
Bangla : Give me back... Boleh ?
Me : Dei!!!!! I just did, you better check properly! 
Bangla : No, don't have...give me back boleh ?
Me : ( volcano going to erupt already ) What do you mean don't have ? 
Bangla : Give me back ....boleh ?
Me : TAK BOLEH ! I don't care already. I already transferred it to the number you gave me just now. Goodbye !!!!!!!!!!!!

At this point I proceed to save his number under the name " GO DIE ". And then he calls me back

Me : @&£%#$¥€@&£%###$€¥+*^@&€### @!#%€$¥@@?%%#!!!!!
Bangla : ( hung up )

Moral of the story : next time it happens , I won't give you back... Boleh ?


Spallan said...

hahaha...adoiii, macam-macam hal la. nasib baik you nak bagi dia balik. kalau tak, sampai malam pun dia dok call lagi...

gostansikit said...

Ya , ya, ahahaha betul tu . Ni dorg ni dah lah selalu confuse, kitorg pon turut karam with them. Wahahaha