Monday 5 May 2014

Ten airports before getting fixed

Don't usually wrap my bag but this time I did. Call it sixth sense or what may you but perhaps it would have been more damaged if I had not done that because it arrived minus 3 working legs when I landed on the 18th afternoon in Istanbul.
Took time out , filed a report at the airline office
and was advised to take it back to KL-Penang for repairs seeing how there simply wasn't enough time for it to be done in Turkey.
I could have taken it as a bad sign but nothing was going to get in the way of me enjoying Istanbul to the max. No.
So let's count how many airports it has been through....
KLIA 3 times


Penang - thrice

Two times in Dubai 

Ataturk as well

 Ten airports later, thanks to KLAS ( Kuala Lumpur Airport Services ) my bag came back fixed with 4 working legs again.

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