Thursday 14 August 2014

Word most dreaded

I hate this word. It means either we get it or we don't . 

As a greenhorn, of course I didn't know that. Short to say that my anticipation and expectation was sky high. Then when reality sets in, because you wonder why it's taking them this long to announce, gee, you start getting really worried to the point where you might grow white hairs. So, you take the next step and you call them. Very meekly and in a very apologetic tone.

When the truth is conveyed..." truth is you didn't make the shortlist " you are devastated. Crushed. You see the world spinning and your ego gets flung out to join the listless orbit of space trash. 

Am I being over dramatic ? Yes and No. 
Yes if we are not of the same species.
No, if you belong to my kind. 
The latter, will understand this feeling of being just disembowelled Braveheart style and to cope, you need a nice relaxing head, shoulder and beyond massage, a nasty swig of something very nasty , two extremely evil little painkillers or something so dangerous, your friends and family shake their heads and tut tut at you.

Fast forward today, the very word still sends a shiver down my spine. I get listless. Try as I might to forget. The way I cope with it is to just forget it. Yeah right, of course it's still lodged at the back of my head. Worries me to the gut.
Therefore you can imagine how huge a rock has been just lifted....pat on the back for myself...
Oy Oy Oy, to finally make it through the shortlist.

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