Wednesday 3 September 2014

Kimball - ketchup squeeze bottle

I'm not the only one who's on the lookout for these kinds of premiums.
One Malay gentleman in his 50s could not resist taking a look at this as he took his place in the queue behind me .
But this being Penang, I know he has no intention to claim it for himself although his eyes told a totally different story altogether. So I allowed him to fiddle with it as he enquired with the cashier how he too could get one for himself.

Fact, I think it's past the promotion period already.
Earlier , one had to buy RM10 worth of the ketchup but today, the girl gave this to me in exchange for 2 small bottles of ketchup which cost less than RM7  correction RM5. 
Alas, only people as old as me like these kinds of premiums, because kiddo was not impressed.

Until he suddenly got an inspiration
" Wait a minute, now I can bathe like that crazy Youtube star Maximbady . He not only eats chicken with ketchup, he also bathes himself in ketchup "

Ya, ya , at least we share a common interest. 

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