Tuesday 24 February 2015

Songthaew สองแถว to Hatyai airport

I've done some stupid things in my travels one of which is to hop on any vehicle and hope that it takes me where I wanna go . Gives me something to talk AND laugh about.
However, I have with me, a companion in tow , who is rather jittery about safety and just tut-tutting away at my reckless abandon. When you're with a person doesn't give a damn if we're gonna end up paying ten times more for a service, gosh, what I've learnt is to just go with the flow and stop protesting. 

  Obviously, I don't share the same enthusiasm for what I call a cowboy town , thus we're scooting off after lunch, to the airport to catch a flight to Bangkok. Have ridden with bike riders in the past, but my big bag puts that option to rest . Yes, you don't have to tell me that this is one heck of a complicated route we're taking. Well, this is some of the ' interesting ' things I get up to sometimes. 
I know.

Have ridden songthaews in Phuket before . 
Shared seats with the locals, their marketing , schoolkids and a couple of live chickens. Did not enjoy that one bit.  Today, courtesy of my companion, for the grand sum of 300 baht, we have the vehicle all to ourselves.
Not very jammed, streets are still empty, quite fun actually. 
( still think we got ripped off )

There is no safety belt. Just grip onto whatever stainless steel rail . Should you need to stop, this is the bell.

In no time, we make it out of town and head towardsthe airport. This road reminds me of Gambang. Heavy vehicles on the road of which we're fully exposed to dust , fumes and maybe the occasional stone to the head 

By the time we hit this highway ? we realise that this was the exact road the van driver took to get to town from Danok

And if you wanna try this crazy wild ride but not spend so much , if I am not mistaken, this is the correct songthaew to look out for which will take you to the airport for 10 times less . Of course, you'll have to share space with others.

The airport is bustling ! 
There's Nok Air with all the ladyboys that seriously look more gorgeous than us real women, but hey, Air Asia it is for now. 

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