Friday 1 May 2015

Cini Gado - Thai durians

I never buy Thai durians. 
Those that are brought in here are so utterly tasteless it isn't even worth parting 2 ringgit for no matter how large they may be. Part of the problem is because the fruit is cut from the tree instead of allowing it to drop on its own . Add to that , the chemical soak to hasten the ripening process. Ugh. No way am I buying any. 

However, this trader made me laugh when I first asked him where they were from.
" Thailand ".
Next he said that this was " Cini " and that was " Gado ". Add the 2 words together and it roughly means
" Fight Here " get it ? 
" Cini Gado " 
No ? Never mind. Heh heh heh.

Anyway ,for those of you coming into Penang for durians make sure you don't get cheated ya ? Obviously there is bound to be unscrupulous sellers who will try to pass these off as Penang durians when they are not. 

And if you're not willing to pay so much for durians in Penang , you can always take a slow drive through the old highway from Kuala Kangsar and head north towards Bukit Gantang. The durians there are not bad yet very very much cheaper. Just remember to get out before 7pm as the area is reputed to be VERY haunted. 

Location : Penang

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