Some presents make you unable to contain your excitement especially if it's an unexpected surprise.
But some unexpected surprises , are something you'd rather not have. Like what happened to my blogger just hours ago .
I was quite cross over the unwanted redirection over to Indonesia with a at the end , instead of the usual dot com .

Thus I went referring to the best sifu in the world....which is google for greenhorns like muah and I found the first site
which is
However , since I know nuts about html except to copy paste and it wasn't working out for me , since the numbers on the side were in the way and it would have been so easy for me to screw up , I headed down to this site below ( link and much easier to copy paste code attached )
If the redirection of your blogspot is really getting to ya , hey , helplogger solved it for me with credits given to of course .
Choose either site according to your preference .
Totally works.
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