Saturday 31 March 2018

Rolls eyes

What in the world came over me just now .
In one moment of madness , I decided that I needed a pair of gold leggings .
Wow . How mind blowing !

I'm close to hitting half a century on earth and yet somehow , I feel the urge to sheath myself in these flashy pair of nasty tights .
The question is WHEN and WHERE in the universe am I gonna wear this to. 

Photo credit :

Yeah , I recall laughing at Will Ferrell and his ridiculous costume in the movie Blades of Glory .
Mentally preparing myself for the same reception the day I decide to step out in these .

So anyway , I picked up yet another sports bra from Forever 21 .
Difference is , it's supposed to be high impact while all the ones I have in my stable so far are medium to low impact ones .

Quite a tight fit , like how all the bras were when I first began my exercise routine in earnest .

Photo credit : Forever 21

Photo credit : Forever 21

White is notoriously difficult to upkeep so thank goodness for those black bands .
This will be my new gauge to check if I have clocked in more weight loss cos when I first started out , all my sports bras were super tight and now they're just a nice fit !

Forever 21 sports bras really are the best in terms of durability and quality . They're not just pretty little things that cannot take a beating .
And mine seem to last longer than other fitness enthusiasts because I actually take very good care of them .
If you're the type who just dumps them into the machine filled with bleach and softener , you'll see me roll my eyes at ya .
Don't use those two items if you want your fitness apparel to be as pristine as the day you first wore them 2 years down the road !

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