Tuesday 6 March 2018

Some daring choices

Met a lady at class today who was wondering why she wasn't loosing any weight . She sort of gave up on that part ever happening , said that she's been in it for yearssss already , but she still joined in so that she could sweat it out , have a little fun and feel happy at the end of her stressful day .

I could not offer her any advice because I didn't dare to , but as for me , now that my efforts have shown fruit , it is time to get more daring with my fashion choices .

Example number one 

Mesh tunic from Kitschen .
Some of you will ask ,what's the point ..... why bother .
I say why not ? Just hope I get the styling right .


This tailored playsuit , also by Kitshcen , on a skinny young girl will look ok . But when I put it on , it suddenly becomes a teddy or a filmsy piece of lingerie .
So not to be worn on public transport .


No. I wouldn't consider this short flared dress to be a daring choice , however , I know some would , as not many of my age would don this .
Also the material is very thin and ultimately cooling , perfect for a person like me who has the capability to pour buckets .
I'd categorise this as a proper dress , but others might not think the same due to the skirt length on this one .
From Kitschen . Ho yeah .

 # 4

Shimmery purple aiyayaiii...
well it's something different. Different enough to hopefully never see the day when I will bump into another lady daring enough to wear this .
* keeping my fingers crossed *
Where am I going to wear this to ? Beats me . Still bought it .
Padini is the place to go . Now that you know where to get this , I hope you wear this anywhere else but in Penang or Bangkok lol. Pleaseeee.

I actually told him before that I would get more daring with my fashion choices when more weight melted away .
After all , I only have a short time left before I have to cover everything up , no thanks to gravity yes ?
Ultimately , it's my choice and being able to do so makes me happy .
That's all that matters .

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