Friday 27 April 2018

Learning stage For The Brave

This look was scrambled together at the last minute yesterday .

Tied some stiff stringy ribbons in my hair ( I ended up loving that so much ), together with a bright matching small cap and that managed to stop 2 men in their tracks who looked like they really , really wanted to snap my picture but didn't dare to .
What stopped them was the company I was with lol .
I'm probably the only one that cannot look fierce no matter how hard I tried . I'm just too un-serious a person .

My companions on the other hand weren't , the vibes they sent out , made those 2 fellows think twice about aiming their phones in my direction . They were clearly uncomfortable yet did not want to leave cos they seemed so do I put this , mesmerised . 
( it's the get up , I tell ya , you put on some boots , tie on a tight apron and stick some very stiff and bright ribbons in your hair and grown men suddenly become hypnotized , stuck to the ground , immobile , don't know which direction to move , they can't tell if you're trying to be Mira or Layla from Mobile Legends )

In the end , they got into their car but stayed in there still facing us . No , I sure was not annoyed . Those 2 had the potential to be my future fanboys lol . Really find it so funny , all the attention just over some minor details added on .

Anyway , I've got a looooooong way more in learning how to pose for the camera .
I'll have to admit that it WAS fun and koochi moochi despite complaining about my kangkang stance , seemed pretty impressed that I was Brave enough to Honor-bly attempt a shoot of this manner , kahkahkah . Surprising cos although I had kidnapped 2 of his toys lol , he still played bodyguard / advisor and was encouraging throughout .

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