Showing posts with label Boh Sungai Palas Tea Centre. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boh Sungai Palas Tea Centre. Show all posts

Tuesday 13 August 2013

BOH Sungai Palas Tea Centre

Had initially intended, to go check out the Mossy Forest but the colonial era road just made my knees buckle. One slip and we were goners . So down, we trundled towards the tea plantation, not expecting much. Took some pics amongst the beautiful flowering trees and tea shrubs and entertained thoughts of turning back, until these kids make their way past , like they'd just had the time of their lives.

Curious, we followed the road till we came to a grit covered carpark .Heck, I'd seen this place before on a blog. Can't remember which blog by which blogger, but there it was right before my eyes ! It's amazing !
The weather was fine, so let's take the tea pickers trail upwards !