Showing posts with label denim shorts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label denim shorts. Show all posts

Wednesday 3 January 2018

When the plateau is broken

Over the New Year , I've finally broken the plateau and shed another  kilo give and take .
All thanks to those 2 back to back marathon sessions .

I've learnt a few things from all this .

1. The weight that goes off CAN stay off , I'll just have to ensure my input is not waaaaayyy more than my output from then onwards

2 . I'll feel cold more easily

3. My energy level will dip midway through an hour long fitness routine . Take it as a readjustment window .

4. Dizziness could set in , so I've got to take things easy 

5. Nourish , nourish , nourish my tummy . Do less carbs ,yes to proteins ,fats , juices and even sugars .

6. My pant size could drop hence I popped into H&M and found that yes indeed , I've dropped a whopping 4 pant sizes since last year !

Time to go get more shorts to celebrate the moment .