Monday 2 April 2018

Teochew salted pork - indulgence for an improved metabollism

As it is , my weight has reduced by yet another 2 and a half kilos over a period of time . And it has stabilised at that for now . I'm not stepping on the scales as often because I know that whatever I am doing now is setting me on the right path towards being more svelte .

Both my metabollism and appetite has improved at the same time . I can now polish off a whole heap of rice and not worry about how much carbs are gonna sit in and destroy all that I've worked for .
I still try to keep off supper but I do let myself indulge every now and then although I do admit to worrying if  the scales will go back to square one after that . 

So far so good , so here we go .
Let's have some good old salted Teochew style roasted pork tripe tonight for supper .

Yes I eat the whole lot , skin , fat fact I think I had half of the portion you see on this plate .
I don't worry about the fat because a certain amount of fat is not only good for you it is neccessary as brain food .
Besides , the fats have been broken down via roasting and deep frying , so both processes make it less evil a delicacy .
Supposed to be a rare recipe but it sure tasted like Spanish tapas to me .

Balanced it off with a pretty bland garoupa steamboat .
I seriously do not know why some diners specially seek out giant garoupas ....the meat was so rough and tasteless , this is why I find fault with some teochew outlets .
Despite having yam and a whole lot of stuff in the pot , I just did not feel the nourishment washing over me lol !
Surely some of you will enjoy the plain lifeless blandness of this meal , just not me .

Not feeling very satisfied , we dropped by the local Bangla grocer and picked up some Malabar spinach for me to turn into a quick boiled village style soup . Just crack an egg in and there you have it , the perfect partner to the salted pork from earlier .

And all this food is now possible because my metabollism has improved , a consequence of not so much fat left to burn .

It took some time to get to this level and yes , I have to admit that I am surprised that this is actually happening . That I can eat like a horse and burn it off just like that .

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