Showing posts with label Tall Boy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tall Boy. Show all posts

Sunday 21 August 2016

Tall dilemma

Up till now , whenever I enter Tall Boy's domain , I make damn sure there's a man escorting me right until the time I leave  .
So far , so good , until yesterday , when his big itch resurfaced  . The cover of my ugly , age adding , spectacles was finally blown , and he began to make his signature moves , a pattern of which I am fully aware of , which made me semi panic and break into cold sweat because this means the problem still remains and we are back to square one , once again . 

Sunday 19 June 2016

Sapidum Splendidis

No .... don't laugh now .
That really is the product name given to this water bottle with a flip lock .
As if they were science specimens or something ...

Friday 4 March 2016

Potpourri flowers are not for bathing

* Dear Indian Lady , I hope you're not a blog reader of mine but if you are , I'm sorry , I just had to pen this exchange down .
It was just too funny to let go * 

To the rest of you readers , this post is pretty long winded so although it means something to me , her and the other 2 characters , you might wanna skip this altogether .